

Hello! I am so glad you are here!

I'm Kate - a third generation quilter, wife of the kindest and hardest working man I've ever met, mom of one crazy five year old boy and dog mom to three of the best wiggle-butts you'll ever meet. We all live in southeastern Minnesota where the winters are long and the summers are glorious. I went to college in Nebraska, where my husband and I met, and received my chemical engineering degree there. I worked several years in different industries as an engineer, but shortly before my son was born, the company I was working for moved their operations out of the country. I completed a winemaking certificate through UCDavis online and have worked at a local winery as a winemaker and vineyard associate since. Its truly one of the best jobs ever.

My grandmother (whom we called Grandma Berry) was an avid quilter and as I grew up she taught me little bits here and there. I'll admit I never paid much attention and a lot of the things she tried to teach me didn't really sink in. I dabbled in quilt making here and there for a while, but really didn't deep dive until after her passing in 2014. Ever since I have grown leaps and bounds, self-teaching myself the things she tried in vain to teach me growing up. I can't tell you how many times I figure something out and think "ah-ha! That's what Grandma Berry meant!"

I continued to create for myself and for friends, mostly taking great joy making them custom quilts for their babies.

Then 2020 came and our lives all had this giant seismic shift occur.

Like many millions of people around the world I was home. During this time I thought it would be an excellent time to start my own little business and opened an Etsy shop in October of that year. I primarily sold baby crinkle toys there, with the occasional custom quilt here and there.

As my business has grown and I am looking to shift to focus more on quilts and quilting, the next logical step was to start my own stand-alone website.

So here we are!

Thank you for coming and I am looking forward to great things in the future
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