
Contact Me to Find Out More

What Can I help you with? Send me an email with the type of project you'd like or to inquire about pricing.

  • Under the sea Baby Quilt

  • Twin Size for a new Big Kid Bed

  • Forest Animal Baby Quilt

  • Double Size Rainbow

  • Baby Wolf Quilt

  • Rainbow Baby Quilt with Applique

  • Saving Family Heirloom dresses

  • Baby Clothes

  • Kids Clothes for Grandma

  • Baby Clothes

  • A Second quilt with the leftover pieces

  • Economy Block Style with Applique and Embroidery

  • Mosaic Style T-Shirt Quilt

  • Traditional T-Shirt Quilt

  • Traditional T-Shirt Quilt

  • Unique T-Shirt quilt design

  • Double Wedding Ring - c. 1930

  • Double Wedding Ring - c. 1930

    Patched, new binding, cleaned

  • Well Loved Childhood Quilt

  • Well Loved Childhood Quilt

    Patched, re-tied, new batting, new binding

Contact me to Find out more

What Can I help you with? Send me an email with the type of project you'd like or to inquire about pricing.